Transport Canada

  1. Companies from around the world know that Canada’s aerospace industry is a global leader in the field. That’s why, the Government of Canada is building the economy of the future, by creating good-paying jobs for Canadians, supporting our highly competitive sector and making key investments.
  2. Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, announced the following 17 appointments in the transportation sector. These Canadians were appointed following open, transparent and merit-based selection processes.
  3. The Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, will travel to London, United Kingdom, to participate in the opening of the Canada Pavilion at the Farnborough International Airshow. The Minister will meet with key Canadian aerospace leaders and the new Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh.
  4. Today, the Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and Joël Lightbound, Member of Parliament for Louis-Hébert, on behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, announced a federal investment of $12.6 million in the Société de financement et d’accompagnement en performance énergétique Canada (SOFIAC). This funding will help them accelerate their expansion into energy efficiency for commercial buildings and multi-unit residential buildings, helping building owners and tenants save on their energy bills and reduce emissions.
  5. Today, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre, Vance Badawey, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, announced $1.7 million for 14 projects under the Green Shipping Corridor Program’s Clean Vessel Demonstration stream. This funding will:
  6. Below are the 14 projects in receipt of grant funding under the Green Shipping Corridor Program’s Clean Vessel Demonstration stream. These projects aim to study, test, and pilot zero and near zero fuel propulsion systems for shipping vessels.
  7. On behalf of the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, the Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez will make an announcement as part of a plan to help save Canadians money on their energy bills, in Lévis, Québec.
  8. St. Catharines (Ontario) — The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre, Vance Badawey, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, and Chris Bittle, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities and Member of Parliament for St. Catharines, will make an announcement about Green Shipping Corridors.
  9. Canadians deserve safe, reliable, and resilient transportation systems to connect their growing communities, keep people moving and grow our economy. That’s why the Government of Canada is investing in essential local infrastructure, to build vibrant communities and strong regions for the next generation.
  10. The Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, will be announcing investments to improve the passenger rail experience in Atlantic Canada. He will be accompanied by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, Associate Minister of National Defence and Member for Parliament for Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Member for Parliament for Fredericton, Jenica Atwin, and by VIA Rail Canada’s Chief Service Delivery Officer, Rita Toporowski.
  11. The Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, today made the following statement to mark the eleven years that have passed since the Lac-Mégantic tragedy
  12. Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, announced that the government is eliminating the policy that required Marine Atlantic Inc. to recover, through revenue, 65% percent of most of its operating expenses. By eliminating this cost-recovery policy, the government is keeping services affordable for residents, tourists, and businesses. Without the formal cost-recovery policy, Marine Atlantic Inc. is better able to respond to passenger needs, and ensure continued, safe, and reliable ferry services.
  13. Marine transportation is the backbone of a thriving economy, supports our supply chains, and helps make life more affordable for Canadians. It can also have environmental impacts on our oceans and waterways. Transport Canada is taking action to address the environmental impacts of marine shipping by implementing a ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by vessels in the Arctic.
  14. The Government of Canada is making sure communities have the infrastructure they need to grow, build more homes, and keep connected across our country.
  15. The Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities and Member of Parliament for Central Nova, Sean Fraser, will announce funding for the Halifax Stanfield International Airport on behalf of Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Transport
  16. Canadians across the country need convenient options to travel. Expanding Canada’s air transport agreements allows airlines to provide travellers and shippers with more flights to travel the world and grow their businesses.
  17. Investing in Canada’s communities isn't just about building infrastructure, it's about building connections to other communities, to markets, and to Canadians.
  18. The Government of Canada recognizes that Southern Resident killer whales face imminent threats to their survival, and that protecting these iconic marine mammals requires comprehensive and immediate action.
  19. Southern Resident killer whales are icons of Canada’s Pacific coast, and culturally significant to Indigenous Peoples and coastal communities in British Columbia. For the sixth consecutive year, the Government of Canada is implementing measures to protect these whales and restore their population.
  20. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Diane Lebouthillier, will announce funding and measures to protect Southern Resident killer whales. He will be joined by Dr. Hedy Fry, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Centre, the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Vice President of Environment and Properties, Jennifer Natland and Teresa Ryan, Enhanced Cetacean Habitat and Observation Program First Nations Advisor.
  21. An efficient and reliable transportation system is essential for our economy. With the National Trade Corridors Fund, the Government of Canada invests in making supply chains more efficient, reducing trade barriers, and directly contributes to the growth of businesses to create the economic opportunities of the future.
  22. The National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) supports infrastructure projects in Canada. These projects include work at airports, ports, railways, transportation facilities, and access roads. $4.1 billion has been committed to projects since 2017.
  23. Hamilton (Ontario) — The Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport and Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre, Vance Badawey, will make an important funding announcement at the Port of Hamilton.
  24. Today, the Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, announced that a new $29 million laboratory is being built to expand the Motor Vehicle Test Centre’s capacity.
  25. The Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, will make an announcement regarding combatting auto-theft.
  26. Safe and reliable airports are crucial links to local and regional communities across Canada. Investments in these airports support economic and business development, improve aviation services and safety, and enhance access to Canada’s remote and Indigenous communities.
  27. CALGARY, ALBERTA – The Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, on behalf of the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, will make an important announcement about a National School Food Program to ensure more children in Canada receive nutritious food at school.
  28. An efficient and reliable transportation system is essential to making life more affordable for Canadians. That’s why the Government of Canada is investing in strategic infrastructure projects to strengthen supply chains and ensure Canadian consumers have access to the affordable goods they need, when they need them.
  29. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that Canada is barrier-free. This includes a fully accessible transportation system. This is vital to ensure that all Canadians, including those with disabilities, have equal opportunities to contribute and participate fully in society.
  30. The Minister of Transport, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, the Honourable Kamal Khera, will host a National Air Accessibility Summit to contribute to making air travel accessible for all Canadians.
  31. The Minister of Transport, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, the Honourable Kamal Khera, will host a National Air Accessibility Summit to contribute to making air travel accessible for all Canadians.
  32. Ottawa, Ontario – The Minister of Transport, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, the Honourable Kamal Khera, will host a National Air Accessibility Summit to contribute to making air travel accessible for all Canadians.
  33. Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, announced that the value of monetary penalties for violations under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 has been increased from a maximum of $25,000 to a new maximum of $250,000.
  34. The Minister of Transport, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, wrapped up a successful trip at the G7 Transport Ministers’ Meeting in Milan, Italy, from April 11 to 13, 2024.
  35. The Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, will travel to Milan, Italy, to join his G7 counterparts for the Ministerial Meeting on Transportation. 
  36. Media representatives are invited to an announcement on housing and affordability by the Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, the Honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada.
  37. Media representatives and the public are invited to an announcement on childcare and affordability by the Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, the Honourable Marc Miller.
  38. The restoration of Indigenous names is important to strengthening Indigenous languages and culture in Canada. The Government of Canada is committed to continuing to work with First Nations, Inuit, and Metis on concrete actions that will strengthen Indigenous histories, languages, and cultures that span our coasts.
  39. Haida Gwaii, BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Council of the Haida Nation and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Vance Badawey, will make an important announcement related to the name of Sandspit Airport.
  40. An efficient and reliable transportation system is essential to making life more affordable for Canadians. Investing in more efficient and resilient supply chains will ensure that Canadian consumers have access to the affordable goods they need, when they need them.
  41. The Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway transportation system extends 3,700 kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean into the Great Lakes. This binational transportation corridor serves two Canadian provinces, eight U.S. states, and over 100 ports and commercial docks that connect to over 40 provincial and interstate highways, and 30 railway lines. In 2022, 36.3 million tonnes of cargo valued at $16.7 billion transited the Seaway on their way to and from key Canadian and American ports. Cargo traffic reached 37.6 million tonnes in 2023.
  42. The St. Lawrence Seaway is a critically important trade corridor for key bulk commodities used across Canada and the United States. Nearly 38 million tonnes of cargo moved through the Seaway in 2023. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting this binational waterway’s long-term economic growth and sustainability and reinforcing Canada’s reputation as a reliable and strong trading partner.
  43. The Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, will announce an investment under the National Trade Corridors Fund for a project at the Port of Montreal that will strengthen supply chain efficiency and resiliency and improve transportation infrastructure.
  44. Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, issued this statement on the report published by the Office of the Auditor General on the Government of Canada’s efforts related to the National Trade Corridors Fund:
  45. Today, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, and the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Kamal Khera, announced that Transport Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada will co-host Canada’s first National Air Accessibility Summit, which will take place on May 9, 2024, in Ottawa.
  46. Goods by Canadian producers travel long distances to reach global markets and consumers. That’s why stronger and more resilient supply chains increase economic security for all Canadians.
  47. The Government of Canada ensures Canadians have the safest railway systems, in collaboration with local communities and railway companies.
  48. The Minister of Transport and Quebec Lieutenant, Pablo Rodriguez, will make an important announcement on rail safety investments in the province of Quebec at St-Lazare. 
  49. Investing in improving railway safety is important to ensure Canadians benefit from the safest railway systems.
  50. The Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and Member of Parliament for Markham–Unionville, Paul Chiang, will make an important funding announcement about Rail Safety Improvement Program projects that will improve the safety of railways in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas. They will be joined by the Mayor of the City of Markham, His Worship Frank Scarpitti, and the Chief Operating Officer of Rapid Transit at Metrolinx, Mr. Steve Levene.