
The Canada News Centre offers you quick access to the business news of the day.
  1. The Government of Canada is investing in upgrades to a beloved ballfield in Glace Bay, ensuring the field remains a vibrant hub for recreation and helping Cape Breton strengthen its reputation as a popular location for event tourism.
  2. School food programs make life easier. They provide healthy meals to kids throughout the school year. They save families hundreds of dollars in grocery bills.
  3. No child should go to school hungry. And in the Yukon, where food prices are among the highest in the country, getting kids a full breakfast before they head out the door or packing school lunches is not always an easy task. That’s why school food programs are so important. They provide access to nutritious meals that can positively affect the health, well being, and overall success of kids in the classroom. They also save families hundreds of dollars in grocery bills.
  4. School food programs make life easier. They provide healthy meals to kids throughout the school year. They save working families hundreds of dollars in grocery bills. They also support local economies, farmers and producers by sourcing food grown locally, whenever possible.
  5. No kid should go to school hungry. And in the Northwest Territories, where food prices are among the highest in the country, getting kids a full breakfast before they head out the door or packing school lunches is not always an easy task. That’s why school food programs are so important. They provide healthy meals to kids throughout the school year. They also save working families hundreds of dollars in grocery bills.
  6. The Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and the Honourable Caitlin Cleveland, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment for the Northwest Territories, will make an announcement on the National School Food Program.
  7. The early years of life are critical to the development and future well-being of children. High-quality, inclusive early learning and child care programs for children in official language minority communities help them build a strong sense of identity, while enabling parents and families to participate in their culture.
  8. No kid should go to school hungry, no matter where they live. In Nunavut, where food prices are among the highest in the country and supply chains are complex, feeding kids at school is not always a simple task. But we must show up for every child in need.
  9. Parents deserve child care that fits their lives, whether they’re working late shifts at the hospital, finishing a degree or raising a family in a rural or remote community. That’s why the governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing in real, practical solutions: more spaces where you work or study, extended hours, and better options in rural and remote areas, so parents can find child care that truly works for them.
  10. The Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, joined by the Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister of Sport and Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada, and the Honourable Tracy Schmidt, Manitoba’s Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning, will announce the creation of new affordable child care spaces in Winnipeg.
  11. Our National School Food Program provides healthy meals to kids and sets them up for success. It’s also saving families hundreds of dollars a year in grocery bills.
  12. Government of Canada support for upgrades to Canada Games Complex will increase usage, attract premiere events
  13. Government of Canada to announce support for Cape Breton University
  14. PrairiesCan support allows Centro Caboto Centre to renovate the interior and exterior structure
  15. PrairiesCan funding enables FortWhyte Alive to provide enhanced outdoor experiences to attract tourists and support Indigenous economic reconciliation
  16. The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA, will announce funding for an ecotourism project retracting traditional canoe routes between Bear River and Kejimkujik.
  17. Governments of Canada and New Brunswick to announce Early Learning and Child Care Action Plan
  18. Today, the Honourable Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities and the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, highlighted funding in Budget 2024 of $7.5 million over three years to support Kids Help Phone (KHP) in its work providing mental health, counselling, and crisis support to young people.
  19. I am glad to be here with the students, teachers and parents of this incredible school, Lord Roberts Elementary School, and the people of LunchLAB, who do something so amazing for the kids and the families and the communities here.
  20. Our communities thrive when residents and visitors of all abilities can enjoy public spaces. The Government of Canada has invested to help make a community park and trail more accessible.
  21. Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Special Advisor for Water, and Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, on behalf of the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister responsible for PrairiesCan and Member of Parliament for Saint Boniface – Saint Vital, will announce federal support for the Dakota Community Centre at the grand opening of the Fitness Playground.
  22. Get ready to blast off with the 2024 TD Summer Reading Club!
  23. Climate comfort centres play an essential role during extreme weather events, offering residents a place to shelter, charge devices, use the internet, and check in with family and friends.
  24. By providing a space where people can feel safe, supported, and connected during times of upheaval and uncertainty, climate comfort centres help communities recover more quickly once the crisis has passed.
  25. Cape Breton Island is focused on preserving and promoting its unique Highland history and heritage, and keeping the culture alive for residents and visitors. The Government of Canada is investing in improvements to the Gaelic College campus in St. Anns.
  26. New exhibits and extensive restoration completed at former Sir John A. Macdonald residence.
  27. During a three-day visit to Cape Breton that coincided with Atlantic Official Languages Week and Gaelic Nova Scotia Month, Darrell Samson, the Member of Parliament for Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA, met with educators, arts administrators, and economic development leaders to discuss the region’s unique cultural heritage, as well as its competitive advantages, challenges, and plans for future growth.
  28. Enhanced Visitor Information Centre reopens and ready to welcome visitors
  29. Bellevue House National Historic Site reopening with new exhibits and programming
  30. Government of Canada will make an important announcement regarding early learning and child care in New Brunswick
  31. Every child deserves the best start in life. But for young families, including Millennial and Gen Z parents, the costs of child care can add up to a second rent or mortgage payment.
  32. Building more child care spaces for families in Quebec
  33. Government of Canada will make an important announcement regarding Early Learning and Child Care in Manitoba
  34. Backgrounder: Decision by the independent Commission on the applicability of the environmental assessment for the Darlington New Nuclear Project to Ontario Power Generation’s selected reactor technology
  35. Today, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced the Commission’s decision that the existing environmental assessment (EA) for the Darlington New Nuclear Project (DNNP) is applicable to the reactor technology selected by Ontario Power Generation (OPG), the General Electric Hitachi BWRX300 reactor.
  36. Minister Hutchings and Minister Petitpas Taylor to announce support for childcare
  37. Every family in Canada deserves access to high-quality child care when they need it and at a price that won’t break the bank.
  38. Bill C-35, An Act respecting early learning and child care in Canada, was introduced in the House of Commons on December 8, 2022.
  39. The Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, will join the Honourable Matt Jones, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade for Alberta, to announce a fee reduction for licensed child care in Alberta.
  40. When Hurricane Fiona wreaked havoc on cities and towns along the Atlantic coast, the Government of Canada responded quickly with programs designed to help the region with long-term recovery efforts and adaptations to help businesses and communities recover, restore and rebuild for the future.
  41. Hurricane Fiona was an unprecedented storm that wreaked havoc along the Atlantic coast, causing damage to businesses, communities and non-profit organizations. The Government of Canada recognizes the need to rebuild and adapt to future weather events, and is investing $6,437,005 in non-repayable contributions through ACOA’s Hurricane Fiona Recovery Fund (HFRF) program to fund five projects that will restore and upgrade infrastrcuture.
  42. Jaime Battiste, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Member of Parliament for Sydney – Victoria, will announce support for five projects in Cape Breton County to help recover, repair and rebuild their facilities.
  43. The governments of Canada and the Northwest Territories announced today a three-year action plan to improve and expand licensed early learning and child care (ELCC) programming across the territory. The 2023 to 2026 action plan covers investments outlined in the Canada-Northwest Territories Canada-wide ELCC Agreement – 2021 to 2026 and the Canada-Northwest Territories ELCC Agreement – 2021 to 2025. The action plan sets a road map for strengthening and expanding the ELCC sector and improving access to high-quality, affordable, flexible and inclusive ELCC opportunities for families throughout the territory. It builds on progress achieved to date during the first two years of both agreements.
  44. Families across Canada know that affordable child care is not a luxury—it is a necessity. That is why the Government of Canada is working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to implement a Canada-wide early learning and child care system that will bring fees for regulated child care across the country down to $10 a day on average for children five years of age and younger by March 2026.
  45. The Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, will join Northwest Territories’ Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Caitlin Cleveland, for an announcement in Yellowknife.
  46. Families across Canada know that affordable child care is not a luxury—it is a necessity. That is why the Government of Canada is working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to implement a Canada-wide early learning and child care (ELCC) system that will bring fees for regulated child care across the country down to $10-a-day on average by March 2026.
  47. The Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Honourable Jenna Sudds, will join Nova Scotia’s Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Honourable Becky Druhan, to announce an early learning and child care action plan in Halifax.
  48. Today, Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut David Saint-Jacques and CSA mission scientist Patrick Hill will participate in a geology webinar for nearly 4,000 Canadian students in grades 9 to 12. It will be about rocks, both in space and on Earth, and the geology training that astronauts take in preparation for future lunar missions.
  49. Climate comfort centres play an essential role during extreme weather events, offering residents a place to shelter, charge devices, use the internet, and check in with family and friends.
  50. Families across Canada know that affordable child care is not a luxury—it is a necessity. That is why the Government of Canada is working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to implement a Canada-wide early learning and child care system that will bring fees for regulated child care across the country down to $10-a-day on average by March 2026.